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polyurethane belt cleaning blade

更新时间:2022-06-03 信息编号:1392013
polyurethane belt cleaning blade
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  • scraper,blade,polyurethane,



polyurethane belt cleaning blade

Polyurethane scraper blades from Yantai Zhengyuan Polyurethane Co.,Ltd. are made of excellent quality CPU supplied by well known companies in the world.Due to the special features of the material such as extremely tough resistant to abrasion, cut, tear,wear and impact, polyurethane scraper blades last an average of 3-5 times longer than rubber and metal.The Urethane hardness used for scraper blades ranges from 70A to 70D depending on the flexibility needed for the application. polyurethane scraper blades are used in many industries. Yantai Zhengyuan Polyurethane Co.,Ltd. Manufactures a wide range of durable scraper blades that are formed and fabricated to be flexible and withstand constant use, extreme conditions, abrasive materials, and harsh chemicals. Polyurethane scraper blades from Yantai Zhengyuan Polyurethane Co.,Ltd. can be used as: Conveyor Belt Wipers Polyurethane conveyor belt wipers or scrapers are used to keep conveyor belts clean . They can help both clear bulky debris like gravel or dirt and clean and squeegee moisture from belts. Squeegee/Wiper Blades Polyurethane squeegee blades help remove or control the flow of liquid on a flat surface. They are attached to a tool or core, then pressed into and against a surface to wipe fluid from it, similar to how windshield wipers press and move against your windshield to clear water off the glass.Urethane squeegee blades are often used in the cleaning industry on floors and windows, and in screen printing to force ink through a screen and onto the substrate. Snow Plow Blades

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Li ShulinLi Shulin 15053539226 询盘


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